Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Studied Study of a Hand...

It has been a while since I posted a drawing or sketch.  I did this one at the Getty museum after one of the drawings they had up in a special exhibit.  The original was titled "Study of a Man's Right Hand" and it was by Bronzini (Agnolo di Cosimo Tori).  I found it wedged in a book I recently unpacked.  I'm contemplating adding it to my master studies section on my website, but I haven't moved much more towards that then contemplation...

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. such a well sketched hand, so much character in the hand, tells the persons story,

  2. oh wow!!! this is are an amazing sketcher!!!

  3. Excellent! I believe hands are the most challenging parts of the body to sketch. Blessings!

  4. This is a very cool sketch Lisa! Well done ;o)

  5. Thank you! I tend to avoid drawing hands in general, but I was really drawn to this one. Thanks for the sweet words!


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