Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sketch of a Hummingbird Drinking from a Coneflower...

Here's a sketch of a hummingbird at a coneflower...  While I liked this one I decided I liked the drawing of Henri better when I was deciding which one to paint.  Henri has flown home, so I will be listing him tomorrow as a five day auction for Nibblefest...

Thanks very much for all of the kind well wishes on the show!  It was great to see and meet some of you in person.

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. Thanks so much Dandelion and Daisy, Karla B aka Lady Skyclad, and Alexandra. I hadn't planned on taking this one any further, but sometimes I change my mind...

  2. This drawing is precious! Happy the show went well ;o) Take Care ;o)


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