Sunday, September 29, 2013

29 Faces Challenge, Face 29!

This is my 29th face for the 29 faces challenge!  The challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of September.  This girl is one I've redrawn.  I typically start with a rough sketch, then if I decide to use it for a painting, I redraw it more carefully.  For this peekaboo look girl, the changes are fairly subtle.  I've changed the shape of her eye slightly and the side of her face a bit as well.  For tomorrow, I'll try to put together all of the 29 faces on one page.  I think the challenge was definitely worth doing!

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. hello,

    i scanned back through many of your 29 faces, they are wonderful and some so pretty. i really enjoyed watching your painting unfold. It turned out awesome!

    thank you for your visit and kind message.

  2. I love the mystery your little lady's portrait. Blessings!

  3. I love one eye peeking out from all of that hair! Congrats on making it to face 29!

  4. I've been looking at your 29 faces and I think they are beautiful. Your drawings are all very charming girls with long eyelashes. Lovely!!
    I have finished my 29 faces too, so I now have some time to visit all the participants of the challenge :-)
    Have a great day!
    xxx Marianne MW

  5. A mysterious and beautiful!
    Your last face is as pretty as all the others.
    Bravo, Lisa.

  6. Thanks so much for all of your kind words! This is one that I will be painting and I'm glad you like her!

  7. She is very mysterious and sexy! Love her!

  8. Congrats on making it all the way through the challenge! This girl is so sassy with that lovely hair falling down over one eye. I love it! xo, janice

  9. Congrats on making it all the way through the challenge! This girl is so sassy with that lovely hair falling down over one eye. I love it! xo, janice

  10. Congrats on making it all the way through the challenge! This girl is so sassy with that lovely hair falling down over one eye. I love it! xo, janice


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