Sunday, September 8, 2013

29 Faces Challenge, Faces 7 and 8...

Face 7 and Face 8

These are my 7th and 8th faces for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to create 29 faces in the month of September.  I didn't have a chance to post one yesterday, so I'm posting two today.  I was going to put together a grouping of my faces every Sunday up to the most current ones posted, but I think I'm going to do that as a complete group together at the end of the month.

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. I love the eyes on both faces. So big and beautiful.

  2. I simply love the expressive eyes in all of your portraits. Blessings, my friend!

  3. Lovely faces, as always, Lisa.
    You got talent!!!

  4. So lovely, Lisa. Someday I'm going to take the plunge and join in the faces challenge but for now I just really enjoy seeing what you guys are doing. You have quite a gift, Lisa. xxo, janice

  5. As has been said, the eyes are so expressive. Very nice.

  6. Thanks so much, I love faces. I think this challenge has been a good idea for me. Some of my faces are less strong then others, but I'm always hoping to improve.

  7. They are so sweet! I think it's going to be amazing to see all the faces together!


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