Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Sketch of Some Additional Clownfish...

Here is a sketch of two more clownfish.  I felt like I needed at least one more for my next mermaid painting.  I'm not sure about the one at the top, but the bottom one is definitely in...

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. Your sketches really capture the fish! I'm sure they will make lovely paintings! Happy SS!

  2. I like how they are swimming in different directions.

  3. so so pretty what colour do you have in mind? or are you waiting for an inspiration ...

  4. I'm curious: What color are the fish? I thought the clown fish (like Nemo) when I first saw..

  5. Thanks for all of the kind words on my clownfish! In nature, they're like Nemo, orange and white. Right now, those are the colors I intend to paint them, but sometimes I change my mind...

  6. I like them both, but the bottom is my fav! xo

  7. They are both so cute! The one at the bottom makes me smile ;o)


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