Saturday, March 1, 2014

29 Faces All Together...

Here is a compilation of all of the faces for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge was to share 29 faces in February.  It was definitely a challenge for me, but I enjoyed the challenge.  Some days my sketches went more smoothly then others.  Most days I posted sketches, but some days I posted paintings.  Some of which were older pieces, some were brand new paintings inspired by the challenge.  I have so many paintings that I want to paint inspired by this challenge and I'm still working on some from last September too!

Tomorrow I'll post the four sketches from this week to vote on for which one I'll try to paint between Tuesday and the Tuesday afterwards...


  1. Extraordinary! I love them all oh so much, bravo Lisa Isabella

  2. what a wonderful collection of faces! Well done!

  3. Thanks so very much Lorraine, Christine, and Alexandra! I'll hop on over to Sunday Sketches at your new location Alexandra, thank you!

  4. Love seeing all your faces together Lisa ;o) Well done ;o)

  5. They are all so wonderful!
    Lisa, you are so talented.

  6. Wow, they are beautiful! It is so cool to see them all together.

  7. Wow, this challenge was right up your alley! I love your dreamy goth-style faces, I can never tire of them. <3 I'd like to do a similar challenge again, but more like doodle animals (if you remember), this one would be too hard for me. :)


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