Sunday, November 23, 2014

Big Eye Angel Fairy Sketch Art + Mermaid Website Update...

Here is a sketch of a big eye angel fairy face.  I planned to paint her for winter Christmas this year, but she probably won't be done on time.  I think I'd have to have her already done, but I think I might still work on her when I'm closer to being done with the tiny little angel painting.  She has the first priority though as I have a specific deadline for her...

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Underwater Prayer Original 11"x14" Painting, Open Edition 8"x10" Giclee Prints, & Limited Edition Giclee 2.5"x3.5" ACEO Prints Here

Here is "Underwater Prayer," an original gothic big eye mermaid by an undersea sunken cathedral. She has big blue eyes and streaks of light purple lilac in her almost black short deep purple hair. This is one of my rare images with short hair...  This piece is available as an original, as prints, and Limited Edition ACEOs on my website!  

Every week on Tuesday, I try to list a small original, some giclee art prints, and giclee LE ACEO prints at promotional prices. Visit here to see what I have available this week! 


  1. such a lovely big eyed fairy
    some day you will paint her
    sweet sunday to you

  2. Look forward to seeing the final piece.

  3. Her expression is so sweet! Wishing you a happy Sunday Sketches!

  4. Every time I think that you could not possibly draw a more beautiful fairy, you do. It's outstanding, and I love the Underwater beauty..oh my dear what incredible talent you possess dear Lisa Isabella xxx

  5. I love the beautiful fantasy art series you've been working on. That mermaid is gorgeous. Happy Belated Sunday Sketches and Blessings!

  6. Thank you kindly Tammie, Karen, Abigail, Christine, Alexandra, Lorraine, and Arnoldo!

  7. the angel fairy is coming along beautifully and I really like how her hair is done.

  8. Your ladies are wonderful! And congratulations to your ebay shop I didn't know that you are running such a lovely shop. It's great to see all your beautiful artwork there in a row!

  9. Your art is so beautiful Lisa! I truly love your faces! They are breath taking!


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