Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Photograph of a Mother Hippopotamus and Her Baby Hippo at the L.A. Zoo...

I took this photograph of a mother hippopotamus and her baby hippo at the Los Angeles Zoo a couple of weeks ago.  I thought they were so cute...  I hope that you will enjoy this photo!  I've never painted a hippo before, but maybe I'll paint this picture at some point...

If you're not too tired of Christmas songs, the hippos brought to mind one of my favorite silly Christmas songs...


  1. Awwww, such a sweet post, Lisa.
    Love your photo of the mother hippo and her baby!
    Love the song too ...
    I was just shutting down my laptop and then I saw your post in my feedly reader so had to come by and visit.

    Have a wonderful and joyous New Years Eve , my love is taking me out to dinner so I have to go and make myself beautiful for him ...LOL

  2. Cute! Look forward to seeing your inspired hippo!

  3. Great shot. What an amazing way to bring in the new year.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a beautiful photo, I love it, i would love to see you draw it....the song is so funny and that little singer what a voice, and great attitude, this is so fun and wonderful, thanks Lisa Isabella always x

  6. I knew the song, but I have never seen the video! Loved it! You made me smile big time Lisa ;o) Thank you ;o) And, I love your photo! So cute ;o) Hugs ;o)


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