Sunday, May 3, 2015

Angel Fairy Holding a Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Big Eye Gothic Sketch Art...

Here is a sketch of an angel fairy gothic big eye maiden holding a baby Nigerian dwarf goat.  I was inspired in this sketch by Gingi who has a wonderful website here with many photographs of her beautiful pets that she is in peril of losing.  Please visit her site for more information, she has a petition here which she would appreciate if you would sign even if you're not local for support...

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

I am also linking this post with Inspire Me Monday


  1. sweet sketch Lisa, I will check the site out.

  2. What a sweet and charming sketch ~ I love the angel fairy and her wee goat!

  3. Your drawing is so sweet and lovely. I especially like the story that goes with it.

  4. This is way too sweet! I love that you are using your artwork to bring awareness to a great cause. Blessings!

  5. Love personified oh my sweet, sweet Lisa Isabella, your heart is in each fabulous art you draw and it's so beautiful, you are an incredible human being and so kind x

  6. wonderful heart, i did go and sign...what a lovely thing you did mentioning it i signed with money though but....

  7. Your illustration looks so sweet. There is so much love inside between the cute goat and the beautiful girl! I will check out the side now.

  8. This just made my whole day.. thank you so much for being thoughtful and supportive.. you are amazing!! Do you mind if I save this image to my computer?? -

  9. This is so so special!!! Lisa, my heart is melting. Big Hugs ;o)


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