Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day & Summer Solstice + Big Eye Gothic Fairy Angel Sketch...

Today is both Father's Day and Summer Solstice!  I painted this as a gift for my father, he loves the ocean.  I thought it was fitting for both.  I hope you are having a wonderful day.  Happy wishes from!

Here is a sketch of a big eye gothic maiden.  This fairy angel is wearing a fluffy feather headdress.  I'm not sure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.   

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. Beautiful painting for your Father! And a sweet maiden!

  2. Both so beautiful the father's Birthday and that awesome looking chick, too good m'dear Lisa Isabella, if you're dad's still around wish him a good one for me ;)

  3. I absolutely love the ocean view that you painted for your father. Blessings!

  4. Happy Fathers Day to you and great sketch.. love your sketches! I am going to start trying my hand at it soon! -

  5. Thanks very much Christine, Lorraine, Arnoldo, Gingi, and Alexandra! Both my father and I love the ocean...


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