Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mermaid Big Eye Gothic Sketch Art...

Here is a sketch of a big eye gothic maiden.  She has long beautiful hair and I loved her lips.  I'm leaning towards mermaid, but she could be a fairy and angel or a goddess.  I'm not sure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. Just came by to see your post of today as this will be my last time till Sept.
    Your maiden is truly lovely, love the lips and hair, dear Lisa.

    Oh, thanks so much for the kind words on my poem today, you made me feel happy :)

    See you when I return in Sept.

  2. Beautiful big eyes and expression. She's lovely!

  3. oh so stunning, so beautiful like the artist that draws her and others of different beauties how I missed you Lisa Isabella, I'm back and I'll catch up eventually xo

  4. Pretty, as always! <3 -

  5. Thanks so very much Alexandra, Margie, Christine, Ileana, Lorraine, and Gingi! Welcome back Lorraine and I'll look forward to your return Margie!


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