Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chow Chow Dog Sketch Art...

Here is a rough sketch of a chow chow dog.  Actually, I think this may be a chow chow dog mix, I'm not entirely sure.  I'm in the process of starting a dog painting, this is one of my initial sketches.  This dog is so sweet with her fluffy fur!

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. Very cute little sketch, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished painting! Is it your own dog?

  2. Everything You create Dear Lisa Isabella, is beautiful, tender and oh so endearing...'what the world needs know is Love sweet Love' and how well you provide it

  3. Love this dog and it's cute face :)
    Can't wait to see how it turns out :))

    Have a beautiful week Lisa!

  4. Aww, thank you so much! No, this isn't my dog, it's a friend's dog, she's such a cutey!

  5. A great start Lisa,
    I've tried to draw my beloved mini Shihtzu, but I find it extremely difficult.
    I'll be looking forward to seeing your work progress... you're obviously extremely talented.
    Have a great creative week ahead ;D

  6. Thanks so much Neesie, dogs are both a lovely and challenging subject matter!


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