Saturday, January 16, 2016

Part of the Process...

You may have noted that I've been incorporating more glazing into my art.  This is my sacrificial 11"x14" canvas.  I use it to to test the strength of glazes against the colors I have on my substrate.  It's difficult to tell just by looking at it on the palette.  This canvas is pretty full though, so one of the things I hope to do today is cover it with gesso so that I may resume using it for tests...

This is sometimes part of my process towards completing a piece, you may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.


  1. Interesting to know about this process.

  2. My painting is limited to basic acrylic, watercolour and the odd spot of ink so reading about what a 'real' artist uses is really interesting.

  3. I love your sacrificial piece. I think it is a great background to put something else on top of!

  4. Alexandra, I find working with the glazes challenging, but they're new to me.

    Thanks so much Christine!

    Louise, you are definitely a real artist, you do lovely art!

    Thanks Erika, it's an interesting idea...

  5. I think this looks great as it is. It would look wonderful framed and on the wall.

  6. Very interesting! There is so much that goes into creating!

  7. hi there (: i'm visiting from PPF - i wanted to tell you that i've just been reading your blog and really enjoy your work.


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