Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sketch of Two Angel Fish, May 29 Art Sketches Daily...

Here is a sketch of a couple more angel fish for one of my mermaid's hair.  Before I started sketching them, I thought they were identical, but as I sketched different ones, I saw subtle differences.  Sometimes I feel like to truly see something, I must draw it...  I think I need to sketch perhaps one more of these fish and then I can put them together in photoshop with my mermaid sketch.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in May.  This is day 29.  

This is a rough sketch.  You may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. your angel fish are so pretty, would be so nice to see them coloured in.

  2. your fish look nice :) look more natural not being identical :)

  3. Your angel fish are so sweet! They definitely each have their own unique personalities. Happy Sunday Sketches!

  4. Love your angel fish! I've drawn many fish myself and love to draw them!

  5. Delightful sketches of an angel fish ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  6. Thanks very much, I will be incorporating them into a painting, but I found a few more potential reference images that have slights different angles that I'd like to try before I decide which fish are going to be part of the painting.

  7. Beautiful. Fish in a dream

  8. This may be what you call your rough sketch", but I think it is wonderful. Your little fish are so sweet. They look like sweethearts. genie

  9. Thanks Martin, Alexandra, and genie! I didn't know that about angel fish Alexandra. I've done a couple more sketches, I'm considering painting one solo...

  10. Beautiful Angel fish Lisa! I just read what Alexandra wrote! Wow, never knew that!


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