Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sketch of a Big Eye Gothic Mermaid, August 7, Art Sketches Daily...

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  Her hair is being cast wildly about as she looks calmly on...  I think she is most likely a mermaid, although she could also be an angel fairy or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in August.  This is day 7.

This is a rough sketch.  You may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. you are doing really well keeping up with your sketching :) nice eyes on this maiden :)

  2. OH, those eyes are mesmerising! Nice work!

  3. veiled answers
    hides behind these caverned eyes
    life questions

    __Grand as always, Lisa. _m

  4. Wow! does this beginning have possibilities

  5. Thank you most kindly Christine, Jennifer, Serena, Magyar, and Martin!

  6. She is a beauty. The eyes really pop, but I always look at the lips. I cannot draw them to save my life. Yours are wonderful. A big eyed gothic mermaid...what more do I need on a day when it has poured rain all day. Maybe she will show herself in my fish pond tonight :-) genie

  7. Thanks very much genie and Alexandra! I appreciate your kind words.

  8. I love her eyes and the shape of her face!


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