Sunday, September 13, 2015

29 Faces, Face 13, Gothic Mermaid Big Eye Improved Sketch...

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  For today, I took the one (sketch 12) I felt needed the most improvement and with the input of Alex of The Darker Side of Passion I did a second sketch of her.  I paid more attention to the slant of her face, the shape of her face, and her unique features.  I think she is most likely a mermaid of the deep blue sea, although she could also be an angel fairy or a goddess.  If I did decide to paint her, I'd probably do another sketch before moving forwad, she is improved, but I think she could still be improved more.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.  

She is face 13 for 29 faces in September.  The goal is to share 29 faces in the month of September.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


  1. you should paint her, that hair would look great coloured :)

  2. Big eyes she has and sultry lips! Very nice.

  3. Gorgeous! The tilting of her head gave her a much more lively feel. Blessings!

  4. I like what you you've done to her eyes, they seem to look straight at me! You really should paint her, I'd love to see her in color.

  5. Wow as always stunning yet so different from all others and yes she seems to have this very direct look, you can't look away, magical Lisa Isabella xo

  6. Thanks so very much Jennifer, Christine, Arnoldo, susupetal, and Lorraine. I'll think about painting her, she has some interesting qualities, but I'm not sure if I feel connected enough to her to paint her. I paint so slowly lately I have to be really drawn to something to paint it...

  7. Why does a strand of hair across the eye look sexy.....and of course those lips.....You've done a great job of setting a mood.

  8. Thanks very much Wanda! There's something about loose flowing hair...


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