Tuesday, January 7, 2025

WIP Work in Progress! Portion of Original Big Eye Rococo Maiden with Lovebirds Fantasy Painting & Close Ups of the Birds...


This is a WIP work in progress image of my refined birds from my big eye rococo maiden with lovebirds in her hair.  This portion includes her rococo wig and the roosting birds.  The birds have a folk art feel, but the entire piece has an avantgoth feel to it.  I need to put some shadows in her hair and finesse some details, but I think I've made solid progress with this painting.

The little birdies told me they were ready for a close up, so I've humored them...  I plan to have the lovebirds available as individual prints, but at this point I haven't cropped them correctly or color corrected the images.

The traditional art original painting is duo oils on a wood panel cut to fit a vintage frame that measures approximately 12"x20" and will be approximately 14"x22" when framed.   It is titled Feathered Refuge.

This is Whispers of Love, my chibi green lovebird nestled in pink.  It is a close up portion of my big eye rococo maiden with lovebirds in her hair painting and will be available as an individual print when I've cropped it correctly and color corrected the image.

This is Feathered Dreams, my chibi orange lovebird nestled in pink.  It is a close up portion of my big eye rococo maiden with lovebirds in her hair painting and will be available as an individual print when I've cropped it correctly and color corrected the image.

This is Whispers of Love, my chibi green lovebird nestled in pink.  It is a close up portion of my big eye rococo maiden with lovebirds in her hair painting and will be available as an individual print when I've cropped it correctly and color corrected the image.


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