It has been a while since I've completed a faerie painting, but here she is. This acrylic fantasy fairy painting is 8"x10" and is titled Lace Wings, referencing the Lacewing butterfly on which the wings are loosely based.
I also recently had the opportunity to visit the Getty Center. Currently, they have a Da Vinci exhibit focused primarily on his involvement with sculptures. I enjoyed the sculptures, but what really wowed me were his sketches. They are tiny and amazing gems. There was also a painting there that was incomplete, it was a very rare chance to see a painting that he was in progress with. Overall the exhibit was fantastic. I also saw some illuminated manuscripts in the Research Center that were very interesting. That exhibit has now closed; but, the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit will be on until June 20th I believe.
I don't always go to so many exhibits, but the ones up right now are fantastic! I did some searches on Thomas Wilmer Dewing and found some pieces of his on Bert Christensen's site at:
I love how this artist used color to create moods.
Below are some of my sketches for the week. I've been focused on faces and will likely remain so for quite some time. This doesn't mean that other subjects won't sneak in, but my sketching focus right now is women's faces.
Saturday... nada

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