Deep in Thought Original 16"x20" Painting on Canvas on My Website Here
This Week 8"x10" print
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25
This week I am listing "Deep in Thought" at my promotional rate as a print and ACEO. The original big eye gothic angel fairy painting is available for purchase on my website! I also have additional giclee art and ACEO prints on ebay
here with a theme of wings of blue.
She is also face 13. For 29 Faces, the challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of February.
Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, I like to offer some art on ebay at a lower promotional start rate for the duration of the auctions... I am just getting started at updating and adding payment buttons to my website. It's a very slow project, but one I hope to focus on.
Edit: "Mane of Gold" Original 5"x7" Painting SOLD
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25
This week "Mane of Gold," the original painting of a horse with a golden mane has sold. It is now available as print and ACEO. The horse is white with brown and grey and has big brown eyes. It was painted in honor of the Year of the Horse and chosen from a selection that was voted upon. I also have additional giclee art and ACEO prints
here with a theme of wings of blue.
This horse is also face 14. For 29 Faces, the challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of February.