At the Resnick Pavilion, LACMA had three fabulous shows. Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700–1915, Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, and the Art of the Sensual. They have all closed now, but I went a number of times to see the exhibits and take photos for possible reference. The photo above is one that I took while at Fashioning Fashion; I have no idea how those dresses survived that era so fabulously.
I haven't completed any new paintings, but I have been plugging away at my sketches. What surprises me is that sometimes sketches will work out that I hadn't expected to and sometimes ones that I expected to be epic fails end up looking okay. I am still doing other sketches as prep work for paintings, but it's an interesting exercise, focusing on sketching consistently on one subject.
Anyway, here are the sketches:
3_18_11/48, 49 3_22_11/50, 51