Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sketches of Four Spiders: Please Vote for which to paint!

Edit:  Combined between facebook and my blog, number 4 was the winning spider that I will strive to paint between today and Tuesday next, athough I may need more time then that.  Thanks very much for your input!

Here are four of my spider sketches from this week.  I would like to do a small painting of one of these four this week.  If you'd like to vote on which one, just leave a comment as to which you'd prefer and I'll tally the votes on Tuesday at around four, adding up the votes of my blog and facebook page together.  In the event of a tie, or no votes, I'll just draw one out of a hat.  I might do this weekly with different sketches.  I also may use the sketches and paintings based on the sketches posted in other art at different times.  This painting will be a small 5"x7", with some cropping to fit the format, that I will try to complete between Tuesday and the Tuesday next (although I seem to go over on amount of time needed to complete the painting pretty regularly...).

The ones Alex thought were my best options for the group ended up being three from yesterday and one from the first day...  Thank you Diane for the wonderful reference selection!

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


Christine said...

how about number 3?

Lynn Cohen said...

Such an interesting subject! I look forward to the painting of one or more!

Unknown said...

Nice sketch :)

Victoria said...

beautiful..I love them al for different bout #2!

Anonymous said...

they are all amazing, I think number four!!

Lorraine said...

dont like spiders but great sketches

carol l mckenna said...

Great sketches ~ #4 would be a favorite ~ xxx

artmusedog and carol

Serena Lewis said...

Love a distance. hehe I think #4 would look great dressed in paint. :)

Kim said...

Can't believe I'm voting on a me the shivers just thinking about it. I think 2 and 4 are the coolest...probably leaning towards 4.

Margie said...

# 4.
I like spiders :)
I like all your sketches :)

Out of Sight L said...

2 no doubt, the French Lorraine

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very much for all of the input! Four is looking most likely at this point, but I'll do the final tally tomorrow.

Magic Love Crow said...

Number 2 ;o) It's funky ;o)

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you Stacy!

Lisabella Russo said...

Edit: Combined between facebook and my blog, number 4 was the winning spider that I will strive to paint between today and Tuesday next, athough I may need more time then that. Thanks very much for your input!