Sunday, December 20, 2015

Art Sketch of a Big Eye Belle Fairy Tale Fairytale...

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  I think she looks a little like Belle of Beauty and the Beast.  A girl with her nose in a book is very relateable to me...  I think she is most likely a fairytale fairy tale femme; although she could also be a fairy angel, mermaid, or goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

This is a rough sketch.  You may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


RO said...

What a lovely pic. I'm lucky if I can sketch a stickman! (lol) Hugs...Ro

Christine said...

She is so pretty!

Margie said...

She is so lovely, Lisa.

I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!
Nice to be visiting again, I know it's been a long time.
I was not much interested in blogging for over 6 months but I did a post on Sat but
don't think I am really back (maybe in the New Year I will be more motivated, time will tell.)

Be well and take good care!

Jennifer Rose said...

very pretty looking :)

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks very much RO, Christine, Margie, and Jennifer! Very nice to see you Margie, I'll hop over and take a look at your post today!

Magic Love Crow said...

I love the way she looks!! Beautiful!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you most kindly Stacy!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you very much Alexandra, I hope you have a lovely Christmas too!