Edit: Martha Z and Larry have very kindly informed that this little bird may very likely be a Black Phoebe, thanks for the ID!

Thank you for visiting my blog. To view additional art, please visit: www.lisabellarusso.com
Formerly Lisa Isabella Russo
Wishing you a happy Lunar New Year! Every year for Chinese New Year, I try to present artwork of the year's Zodiac animal, this time,...
Lovely little creature.
Great shot! Thanks for linking up this week!
Happy WW from Jordyn @ The Green House!
Thank you Margaret Almon and The Green House!
Lovely images of a beautiful little bird..
Thank you very much Andrew and Erika Price
Sweet little birdie and the shot is like a water-colour.
Little creature knows how to avoid the thorns! Lovely!
I think you got a black phoebe, I enjoy watching them hawk insects out of the air.
What a pretty little fellow!
Thanks Arija, I love watercolors!
Thank you Tatyana@MySecretGarden, he definitely didn't seem to have a problem with that :).
Thanks for the possible ID Martha Z! It would completely explain what he (or she) was doing, he'd swoop and zoom from spot to spot. I took a number of pictures of him, but this was the only one that came out in focus.
Thanks so much NicoleB!
thanks for joining tina´s wordless wednesday with this sweet bird :)
Nice capture!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Thanks so much Tina's PicStory and Gary!
Nice shot of the Black Phoebe on the cactus Lisa! They are so much fun to watch as they fly up from their perch to grab an insect out of the air and back to the perch. Very acrobatic!
Thank you Larry, it really was an unexpected treat, I was going downstairs to photograph some art, so I had my camera with me when I saw the bird. Very energetic little bird indeed!
Beautiful bird.
Visiting for Wordless Wednesday! Hope you can stop by:)
Really cool shot!
Thank you cassandrasminicorner and Pat Ulrich!
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