I haven't posted an update in some time. I moved and for a while I did not have internet access at all. Now that I do have it, I'm completely out of the habit of too much more than checking my emails.
I'm very glad about the move, this is a great improvement on my last home. It's farther away from almost everything, but I'm still happy to have moved. However, in moving I've been forced to come to terms with the fact that I own way, way, way too much stuff! I'm afraid I knew that before, but I had more space before.
I'm not set up to paint yet, but that is definitely a priority! Until I get set up, which will likely not be for a while, I expect my posts to be sporadic at best. Although I could surprise myself, I doubt it, but it's possible :). I do hope to be rambling regularly again in the not too distant future...
The photo of the red rose bud above is from my new yard, we have a few rose plants, but it's the only one currently blooming. I think the rest of them think it has been a bit too cold for blooming, but we do have this one rebel bloom...
Welcome back Lisa ;o) It's so good to hear from you! I can't wait to see your art again ;o) Don't we all have to much stuff? LOL!
Aww, thanks Magic Love Crow, you are so sweet. As for the too much stuff, it's definitely something I need to try to address :).
Happy to hear from you again Lisa. Your red rose is beautiful and thanks for sharing. Oh, moving is so stressful and messy ... at least for me ... I still have boxes from five years ago that I haven't even touched.
Happiness to all.
Thanks so much ArtSings1946! I'm chagrined to admit that I had many boxes that I hadn't opened from my last move (for this move on those boxes, I just took a quick peek and reinforced the tape where needed ;))...
hehe, I know what you mean by owning too much stuff! but it's a common problem nowadays.
looking forward to read your sporadic posting. :)
Thank you Masa! That's true, I do think having too much stuff is indeed a common problem today. I've been thinking about having too much stuff for a while, but I think moving definitely gives a push to thinking about it more seriously ;). I always look forward to your beautiful and thought provoking posts.
I have too much stuff too! I have to cull what's not needed but I was brought up to see possibilities in things usually thrown away! Blessings! :^) patsy
Patsy, I too see possibilities in what some people see as trash :). I am definitely trying to re-allocate some of my items that other people might have a use for that I have been holding on to though...
Lisa, I'm glad you've moved, if your last residence is still the one I remember.
I just discovered a change of email account mailing from you from March 2011 in an unused account and emailed you back. Almost all of my contact information has changed. I will update you entirely if you'd still care to get in contact with me.
As for possessions. My father turned into an proper pathological shopper and horder. I've inherited it all. This on top of my own stuff.
I have changed a lot and have tales to tell. I'd love to catch up.
Hi Elisa, I have emailed you my new contact information and I would love to catch up, please do update me. If my email doesn't reach you, please let me know...
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