Friday, December 19, 2014

Work in Progress Original Big Eye Athena Minerva with Owl Painting Art WIP + Blue Angel Website Update...

Here is a work in progress view of my original big eye Greek goddess Athena (also know to the Romans as Minerva) with her owl 16"x20" painting.  This goddess is looking a bit intense at this point I think.  Her face is blocked in, but I think I need a bit more lights and darks before I consider the skin tones of her face done...  

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

"Winter Belle" Original 8"x10" Painting, Open Edition 8"x10" Giclee Prints & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

"Winter Belle" is of a big eye blue angel fairy with her eyes serenely closed.  It has a surreal lowbrow fantasy feel...  This piece available as an original, as prints, and Limited Edition ACEOs! 

Every week on Tuesday, I try to list a small original, some giclee art prints, and giclee LE ACEO prints at promotional prices. Visit here to see what I have available this week! 


Linda Kunsman said...

your winter Belle is stunning and I just know your WIP will be too! Holiday wishes to you and yours and happy PPF!

Carol said...

Love your WIP and your Winter Belle is amazing!!! Thank you for sharing and you have an wonderful holiday season!!!

Geckostone said...

Your work is awesome! I love them both. Happy Holidays! Deb

Christine said...

Beautiful Winter Belle for PPF! And can't wait to see the WIP finished.

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful work, as always! Valerie

carol l mckenna said...

Both are very beautiful ~ such talent and wonderful creative expression!

Happy Holidays,
artmusedog and carol

My name is Erika. said...

Great work. I can't wait to see how Minerva/Athena looks finished.

Giggles said...

Stunning work Winter Belle. Your work in progress is wonderful so far! Happy Holiday!

Hugs Giggles

Out of Sight L said...

Your Winter Belle is magnificent and your brown beauty looks a little a mean but maybe she's a can do so much and it's all so magical, I love what you do dear Lisa Isabella

Magic Love Crow said...

Lisa, you are amazing! Both are stunning! I love everything you put into your art ;o) Hugs ;o)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous blue painting. I love the eyes in the owl painting. The girl's eyes seem very life like and I feel drawn in with the owl's one eye showing and lined up with her eyes--very interesting and hypnotic.

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very much!