Sunday, December 13, 2015

Art Sketch of a Big Eye Gothic Angel Fairy...

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She has a deep sadness in her.  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or goddess.  I think I'd like to paint her, but I probably won't take her any further until I make more progress on some of my other projects.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


Christine said...

Sorry she is sad at this time of year...pretty though.

Lisabella Russo said...

Aww, thanks Christine. I think it's okay to be sad sometimes, the holidays can be a complicated time, I think the sadness will pass...

Jennifer Rose said...

she does look very sad, painting might make her happier?? ;)

GalleryJuana said...

Gorgeous indeed and I love the design on her forehead and below her eyes.

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very much Jennifer, Alexandra, and Juana! I'm not sure if painting her would make her happier, but I know I would enjoy taking her further...

Magic Love Crow said...

Please paint her Lisa! I think she is wonderful! I see sadness, but I also see hope! She is wonderful!

Lisabella Russo said...

Sadness with hope, I like that a lot Stacy, I think you have inspired me to add her to my project list...