Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Athena Minerva in Progress Sketch...

Here is another sketch of a possibility for the goddess for my Athena Minerva painting with her owl (I have an owl sketch I'm happy with, but the owl will be combined with this one in photoshop).  This one is closer to the mood I want for the piece...


Leovi said...

Yes, a good portrait. Beautiful eyes!

Christine said...

Glad you found the look you want, she is pretty.

Margie said...

Look at those eyes. wow!
She is beautiful.
Lisa,. you do such lovely work .. it's a joy to see all that you share here ....

Out of Sight L said...

She's beautiful as delicate as Bambie wow I'm so glad I can visit you you won't find my blog i had to delete it because Google is a thief, anyway no worries about that I kept the address so I can visit all my favourite people...and she is spectacular, never go anywhere near google please

Camila Rafaela Felippi said...

Lisa, do you do some exposure?
Of course I can't go, because I live in Brazil. But I think it would be a success exposing all your art at a fair!

Unknown said...

Nice. I cannot wait to see the finished piece.

Patience said...

Love her eyes, very expressive....!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks very very much! I'm just in the very beginning stages of this painting, but I like the direction!

Lisabella Russo said...

I forgot to say, thanks Camila, I occasionally do shows; but in real life I'm pretty shy, so I'm mostly online...

Magic Love Crow said...

Very dramatic face! I love her!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks Stacy!