Saturday, March 28, 2015

Angel Fairy Art Original Painting Work in Progress WIP...

Here is a work in progress view of my 11"x14" original big eye angel fairy painting.  I'm reworking the clouds.  I painted over the ones I had before and started again.  Beyond the base, I haven't done anything yet in the lower right corner (although my hand was a bit messy and left some marks that I will cover up when I paint the clouds there) and in the lower left corner the paint is a bit thick, I'm going to sand it down a little bit before I possibly try to make them a little fluffier.  I think the upper section is close to how I want it, but I won't decide if I'm done with that section until I see how it all works together when I'm further along with the bottom sections.  Once the sky looks right, I'll begin work on her wings...


Christine said...

The background looks so realistic!

Margie said...

It's always such a joy to see what you are working on!
This angel fairy is lovely and I look forward to seeing her completed!

Out of Sight L said...

and she will be magnificent as only you can maker her, you are extraordinarily gifted, and I'm so happy !

Gingi said...

Yay work in progress!! Love these! <3 -

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so much Christine, Margie, Lorraine, Alexandra, and Gingi!

Magic Love Crow said...

Wow that background is stunning! I can't wait to see the rest!!