Friday, March 20, 2015

Bunny Rabbit Art Original Painting Work in Progress WIP Operation Cute and Fluffy Continues...

Here is a work in progress view of my little 5"x7" original bunny rabbit painting.  He's looking very nice and fluffy now!  There are a lot of little stems and flowers so I'm not sure if I'll have this done for Tuesday, but I'm definitely going to try...

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:


Christine said...

absolutely adorable!

Valerie-Jael said...

He is adorable! I saw some real bunnies playing by the Rhine this morning! Valerie

Unknown said...

Oh, this is adorable!!!

My name is Erika. said...

So cute. And so appropriate for the first day of spring.

Giggles said...

Such an adorable bunny...I love it so much! This is truly a special piece!

Hugs Giggles

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

He is simply precious, Lisa! Fur is not easy to do, so I really admire the outstanding job you've done with it. Blessings!

Out of Sight L said...

Operation cute and fluffy my laptop is going down drain and there you are making me so happy, you're so lovely and magical with the most beautiful art and sweetest magic ever my dear Lisa Isabella, snow storm outside, doesn't matter to me 'cause what I feel inside, it's powerful, it's your lovely art, always dear LR

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Very cute and alert bunnny.

Best wishes

Gingi said...

Soooooo cute!!! You should put all your work in progress picture side by side in a line up! <3 -

Margie said...

Oh, Lisa, I so love this bunny!
Truly adorable!!!!

sheila 77 said...

Oh, I seriously love Bunnie, a beautiful painting.

Lisabella Russo said...

Aww, thanks so very much! I am having so much fun painting this bunny!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Cute and fluffy, indeed! Very nice. :)

Irene Rafael said...

Adorable! I love his little feet!

Unknown said...

lovely bunny! Thank you for sharing your creativity!