Sunday, March 15, 2015

Big Eye Fairy Angel Elf Sketch...

Here is a sketch of a big eye fairy angel elf.  I think she has a friendly and mischievous quality.  I'm not sure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.  We're having a bit of a heat wave (90s), it seems early to me, but I'm hoping it will pass...

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:


Christine said...

She is so pretty. I could take a heat wave in Toronto right now!

Margie said...

She is adorable, Lisa.

Gosh, 90's there. that is too hot for me but then it's been in the 70's here in Moab, Utah.
Love Moab :)
Heading home tomorrow.

Out of Sight L said...

She is beautiful and she looks older and wise and loving and 90 degrees gosh I'd die I'm hoping for a 3 degree C...gosh I'd rather have winter you poor girl.....

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so much Christine, Margie, and Lorraine! I'd happily share some of my heat with you Christine and Margie, temperature seems very nice in Moab Margie :)