Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost done bunny rabbit hare painting...

I am almost done with this bunny painting. I think I should have it done on Monday. This photograph is blurred, which looks nice, but the actual painting is less soft. Hopefully I'll be able to put it on the scanner for a more accurate image on Monday.

Participating in Paint Party Friday certainly gave me a push on this, but I'm not quite there...

To see more Paint Party Friday participants, please visit here.


Beth said...

Very nice! I just read the kids "Goodnight Moon" tonight and this little guy reminded me of that :)

Martha from ilove2paint said...

he's looking great, I love WIPs! Happy PPF

Joni Nickrent said...

It's looking amazing...awesome work!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Lisa. Nice to meet you and your excellent bunny. He looks great. Happy Holidays to you!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

your shading is well done! and it's progressing so quickly (you did say it usually takes you a long time). good job!

Daniele Valois said...


Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you Beth, I love that book, it is so sweet!

Thanks so much Ayala Art!

Joni Nickrent, thank you kindly.

Hi Gloria, thank you! Nice to meet you as well and happy holidays as well.

Thanks peggy apISEEDS, for me this is quickly ;). I'm really almost done, just his eye and his little nose details to go and that's about as far as I'm going to take it. I love bunnies noses!

Thanks very much Daniele Valois!

SHERI COOK said...

Those black tipped ears are fabulous! Loving the bunny so far.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

Unknown said...

Lovely one!!

wednesday said...

He's coming along beautifully. I love the restricted palette you used.

carol l mckenna said...

Truly beautiful ~ Many times 'less is more' ~ loving your work ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

WrightStuff said...

I love bunnies and this one is no exception!

DVArtist said...

I love the shape of your bunnie. Look forward to seeing it finished

Anne Butera said...

Your bunny looks great! So sweet!

Happy PPF!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you Sheri C, I think the bunny's ears are what drew me to this bunny.

Thanks very much BlackPumpkin.

wednesday, thank you so much.

ArtMuseDog and Carol, thank you very much, happy PPF to you as well!

I love bunnies too! Thank you Wrightstuff.

Thank you Beadwright, I think I'll be able to finish it up on Monday (it isn't that I think it needs that much more, but that's the next day that I'll be in the studio).

Thank you so much Anne!

Christine said...

He looks nice and fluffy so far!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks a lot Christine!

Heather Foust said...

Very Lovely. Happy Holidays!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you so much Heather, happy holidays to you as well!

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. I love the soft colours in the background as well as the rabbit, a really lovely piece.