Here is the start of a bunny painting I am working on. Usually I am loathe to share an in progress shot of a piece I am still working on because of how slowly I paint. I tend to get distracted easily and start more than one piece, flitting between them with no promises on when any one will be finished...
However, I thought it might be fun to participate in Paint Party Friday, and this is a piece currently on my easel, so there it is... It's a small, as yet untitled, in progress painting of a wild rabbit.
To see more Paint Party Friday participants, please visit here.
Your start is lovely! I smiled when you said no promises on when we'd see the results because of getting distracted easily--I know that feeling. But I also believe the process is as beautiful as the art. I love seeing bits of how other artists work. Thanks for sharing this!
Great to have you join us!!
Work-in-progress are definitely paintings in PPF definition - for me (and many of us) finishing a painting in a week isn't doable, so it's nice to be able to show what you have done!
Your rabbit is looking great so far! Looking forward to seeing more!
Wonderful ~ love it ~ Very Zen like ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)
Thank you Catherine Denton, your post with the works in progress inspired me to think it would be okay to post mine. Thank you!
Eva, thanks so much! I do generally have problems finishing a painting in a week's time as well.
Thank you ArtMuseDog and Carol, I hope you are feeling better.
It's very nice so far!
Your bunny is hopping along nicely!!!
You know, if it were me, I would leave this exactly as is. It is stunning!
Thank you kindly Christine!
Tee hee, hopping along nicely is a very sweet thing to say :), thanks Geckostone.
Thank you Anne, I think I'll likely add more paint, but I'll do a high res scan in case this ends up being the better version. Thanks for the idea!
Looking forward to what you do with this wonderful start. Happy PPF!
Nice beginning. I work really fast and loose, so I am in awe of people who settle in and take time to really work at a painting.
Thank you Sheri C, I hope to have something more on it to post Thursday or Friday.
Thanks wednesday, I used to paint more quickly, but lately I just seem to need more time :).
sometimes sharing a WIP pushes me to continue work on it. i think this one is coming along nicely. thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS
Thanks peggy apISEEDS, I hope it will nudge me along :).
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