We had a wild wind storm in Los Angeles last Wednesday night. It wiped out our power on and off until today. The entire street across from us, from the bottom of the hill and up, had no power. We lost our phone connection until yesterday. I'm not certain if most of the city has power yet. Pasadena lost power everywhere. The photograph above I took on the night the neighbors tree fell, this tree was long dead, but trees across the city went down, even healthy ones...
Above is our street during the day.
This is a photo of a big machine that came at night and crunched up the tree in half and moved it to the side as shown below. Some of my neighbors went down to the street and watched from there. I watched from the window.
I am so glad to have power and a land line telephone again! I hope the rest of the city is getting back to normal as well...
weird, although such a bad thing happened, my first thought was (when I saw the last picture): green plants and sunshine in the winter - oh how I wanna live there!
Well, my first thought was I'm glad no one was hurt when the tree went down. My second was I hope it's not one of ours... There was a big rainstorm a while back and the huge pine tree in our yard went down. The third was, how wonderful no one's car was smashed (the neighbors that live and park there noticed the tree leaning and moved their cars). And my fourth was, I should get pictures...
I had no idea we wouldn't have a phone line for so long, I was a little lost without the internet... Near here a lot of people didn't have power at all, in Pasadena they cancelled school for the children due to the effects of the windstorm. It is green and sunny here in the winter some of the time, but I'm used to the moderate temperatures, so I'm still cold...
If you do move here, we could meet!
you're such a caring person. :) but I couldn't really say cause I had never been in a similar situation and I don't know what I would be thinking then ...
oh how I wish I could move somewhere warmer! I'm cold all the time. well maybe I will when I finish my studies (although I would really miss my family). the States seem nice but I hear weird things about Americans all the time. :P
my current boyfriend went to high school in Canada and he claims I would be warmer even there, lol.
Aww, thanks Masa! I am sure you would be even more caring than I am, I tend to be generally self absorbed. It does tend to be shocking when it happens, when the pine tree went down that was in our yard, I was devastated. I loved that tree and so much wildlife loved to live there too.
My car actually was pinned down by it, but I was very lucky and it sustained very little damage.
I'm really such a cold weather wimp, I see gorgeous pictures of places with snow and I am moved by them, but not enough to move ;). I've yet to visit Canada, I've visited states close to it a couple of times though. From what I'm told, depending on where in Canada you are, the weather varies significantly.
America is very diverse, and so are Americans :). I think it's sweet that you're so close with your family. I would miss mine too if I moved far.
I'm glad there wasn't much damage!
It seems that global warming affected my country a lot. it was snowing only once this season and for a short time. there was a lot of snow when I was a kid - it was great for playing and sometimes I couldn't get to school because there was so much snow around our house. xD it doesn't happen anymore and a lot of people miss it but I'm egoistically happy that it's warmer. :P
Well, on the one hand, I'm definitely not happy about global warming; but, on the other hand, I'm happy that you're happy :).
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