Sunday, September 21, 2014

Face 22 Sketch Art 29 Faces + Pink Sweet Pea Blossoms Painting Website Update...

This sketch is face 22 for the 29 faces September challenge.  She could be a big eye fairy angel or possibly a mermaid.  I think she has a certain intensity.  For 29 Faces, the challenge is to share 29 faces during the given month.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Budding Blooms Original 5"x7" Painting, Open Edition 5"x7" Giclee Prints & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

Two sweet pea blossoms are set against a soft blue sky.  The flowers are starting to bloom.  The style has a romantic realim feel.  This piece available as an original, as prints, and Limited Edition ACEOs!  

Every week on Tuesday, I try to list a small original, some giclee art prints, and giclee LE ACEO prints at promotional prices. Visit here to see what I have available this week!


Tammie Lee said...

another lovely face by you ~
and sweet blossoms
sweet autumn to you~

Lorraine said...

lovely flower

Christine said...

lovely face and blooms!

Magic Love Crow said...

Your face is stunning, as always ;o)
Your flower is beautiful!
Big Hugs my friend ;o)

Out of Sight L said...

Definite intensity to her a strong quality, and your bloom oh my dear is so beautiful I can almost smell it from are an artist, never doubt it my dear friend

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so much Tammie, Alexandra, Christine, Stacy, and Lorraine!