Monday, February 9, 2015

Angel Fairy Sketch Art, 29 Faces Face 9 + Red Rose Website Update...

Here is a rough sketch that I did of a big eye angel fairy.  I was drawn to her by her long flowing hair.  I'm not sure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.  She is face 9 for the 29 faces challenge in February.  For 29 Faces, the challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of February and this month I am inspired by this challenge...

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday

"Red Red Rose" Original Painting Sold
Open Edition 5"x7" Giclee Prints & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

"Red Red Rose" is of a deep red rose. The piece has a romantic realist impressionist art feel.  I love roses, near Valentine's Day or at any time of the year, this flower will stay beautiful...  The original is sold, but I do have it available as prints and ACEOs!

Every week on Tuesday, I try to list a small original, some giclee art prints, and giclee LE ACEO prints at promotional prices. Visit here to see what I have available this week!


ann @ studiohyde said...

I love this face 9 angel fairy and also your deep red rose, beautiful.

Margie said...

Another beautiful angel fairy, love how she looks, Lisa.
Love her hair ...

Your "Red Red Rose" painting is just beautiful ...
I too love roses and my little Rose loves them too, it's her favorite flower (so, she tells me so at the tender age of three!)

Christine said...

I do love her hair. Your vivid red rose is perfect for the season!

Out of Sight L said...

Your angel fairies may be different but they are all stupendously beautiful the one an angel can only be, and your Red Rose, is absolutely sensational

Martha from ilove2paint said...

Beautiful little face! said...

Lovely sketch. I love her long hair and big eyes.
The rose is just right for valentines, beautiful :)

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very very much!

Louisette said...

Wonderfull portrait , greeting from Belgium .