Sunday, February 22, 2015

Goddess Athena Sketch Art, 29 Faces Face 22 + Little Bo Peep Wishes you Happy Chinese New Year...

Here is a rough sketch that I did of a big eye goddess Athena (known to the Romans as Minerva).  I'd like to paint her, although she definitely needs a more refined redraw.  I want to do a series of large goddess paintings as well as smaller counterpart versions.  This would be for one of the smaller versions.  She is face 22 for the 29 faces challenge in February.  For 29 Faces, the challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of February...

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Little Bo Peep Wishes You a Happy Chinese New Year!
Little Bo Peep Original Painting Sold
Open Edition 5"x7" Giclee Prints & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

Alex reminded me that I painted Little Bo Peep and she'd like to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!  She's lost her sheep, but they will return.  Chinese New Year celebrations last for 15 days!  We're going to try to go to dim sum to celebrate...


Kate Robertson said...

Athena is lovely. I can't wait to see what she looks like painted. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Victoria said...

So gorgeous..always such magic and beauty here..fantastic art! Wonderful

Anonymous said...

another beautiful face, each one a unique look!

Christine said...

Beautiful Goddess and a cute BoPeep! Enjoy the new year celebrations.

Neesie said...

Wow incredible work Lisa
Both are beautiful.
BoUrgeois perfect way to say Happy Chinese New Year 😊

Margie said...

Oh, I love Little Bo Peep
And your big eye goddess is wonderful.

Thanks for the kind words on my friend that died , my heart is so broken!

Magic Love Crow said...

Goddess Athena is beautiful! Love her ;o) Little Bo Peep is so cute! Happy Chinese New Year ;o) Hugs ;o)

Unknown said...

Wow, Bo Peep is beautiful!!

Out of Sight L said...

I have no words left to say how amazingly beautiful every face, every touch, all so tender , true and real. You are so beautiful Lisa Isabella, inside out

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very much for your sweet and kind words!