Friday, June 7, 2013

Work in Progress View of a Mermaid by a Cathedral...

I haven't posted any progress on this one for a while because I was distracted by other projects.  I'm hoping to get her done on time to bring to the show on June 15th, but we'll see...  I've blocked in the cathedral, I want to add some texture to it with a sponge, and then do glazes to give a more under the sea kind of a feel.  I'm going to try to post frequent WIPs this week as I go.

You may see my finished "Nesting Fawn" on ebay here (or you may go down a post to see it) and you may see the show information here.  Alex Ledante will be showing his manga art and I will be bringing mainly fantasy art...

Also, I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:


Faye said...

Love the perspective you've gotten in the archways. Looking forward to seeing more on this one later.

Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed to see the process, your work is always amazing and this no exception,

Mary C. Nasser said...

The cathedral looks great!
Wonderful seeing your process.
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

janice smith said...

Hi there, Lisa! It's so fun to see works in progress. Your mermaid+cathedral is coming along nicely. Good luck with the show! Happy PPF! -janice

Rita said...

What a fun idea...wondering how this mermaid made her way to a Cathedral! Looking forward to seeing more.

Anonymous said...

Love the cathedral arches. Good luck on your show. I hope it is a wonderful success. Happy PPF

Paper rainbow said...

This is looking good so far! :)

Lisabella Russo said...

Thanks so very much!

Giggles said...

I look forward to see the finished project...So far very lovely!

Hugs Giggles

Magic Love Crow said...

Your mermaid painting is looking very mystical! I can't wait to see it finished! Hugs ;o) said...

Looks great so far. I love the background colours and the composition of your mermaid. I will look forward to seeing this painting finished:)

Ivy said...

Look forward to seeing your finished mermaid. HPPF!

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you for your sweet comments!

Fran said...

I really look forward to seeing your progress on this piece.

Lisabella Russo said...

Thank you Gracie!